Living ‘The Dream’ (Poe style)

All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. So asserts Edgar Allan Poe in his immortal poem, “A Dream Within A Dream” (1849) . In an earlier post , we explored the allegorical structure of the poem. In this follow-up, I want to drive home the meaning of the phrase “ A dream within a dream ,” because it has a very precise meaning in Poe’s verse. It doesn’t just mean “ a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! ” ( “JFK,” 1991. ) That works well as a secondary meaning, as connotative reading of the phrase, but Poe has something more explicit in mind. Specifically, Poe is saying that all that he pictures in his mind’s eye is a nostalgic vision (“ dream ” #1, which he “ sees ”), which is contained within the trancelike existence of his waking reality (“ dream ” #2, which is his life as it “ seems ”). Those two poles demarcate the boundaries of “ All ” his experience and the same is true, Poe boldly posits, for every one of us. All of our lives are waking trances...